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A lot of people are having trouble learning how to get into shape, the thing about being fit is that you have to learn what you can and apply that as much as you can. If you hope to get into shape then you're going to have to sacrifice, so start learning what you can and applying it when you can.

Do not weight train two days in a row. When exercising your muscles, be careful about working particular muscle groups too often and too much. After weight training, allow your muscles at least 48 hours to recover. Anything more does more harm than good. You won't see any favorable results.

If you are going to be doing serious weight training, it is crucial to have a spotter on hand. As you are lifting, your body is going to get tired. Lifting without a spotter leaves you open to the danger of being unable to lift your weights off of your chest, or even more dangerously, having them fall down on you if your arms give out.

Whatever fitness routine you choose, be sure to include cardio-vascular exercise. Staying heart and lung healthy is extremely important, and a cardio workout will do just that for your body. Try to do 30 minutes of cardio or aerobic exercise at least 3 times a week. This can take the form of running, biking, using a treadmill or elliptical trainer, or swimming. Remember not to overdo it. If you find yourself short of breath, you should take a break until your heart rate slows down.

Jumping jacks are a classic calisthenic exercise that you can do. All you have to do is jump and separate your arms and legs. Then jump again and return to a normal standing position. Repeat this about 20 to 25 times a day. If you're a little more athletic, you can increase the number of jacks.

Lifting weights is not all about the number of pounds you can put up. It is not even about how many repetitions you can do. The most important part of any weight training is to focus on the quality of each repetition. When you are putting the weight up, do so slowly, making sure you can feel the muscle contract, then bring it back down in a slow and controlled manner. This will ensure you get the most out of each repetition.

You can enhance the quality of your workouts by taking a moment to loosen up the joints in your hips and lower back. With both hands on the squat rack, slowly lower your body until both thighs are just parallel with the ground. After 30 seconds in this position, slowly raise yourself back up. This should be performed for about five to ten minutes before each workout.

Are you interested in getting more out of your workout? Stretch before, after and between exercises to help build your strength by as much as 20 percent. While doing exercises in sets, just take about thirty seconds to focus on stretching out the muscles you were targeting. Stretching can greatly improve your workouts.

A great tip to help you get fit is to join an ultimate Frisbee league. Ultimate Frisbee is very similar to football except when you catch the Frisbee, everyone has to freeze. It can be a great way to get fit because of all the running and jumping you have to do.

Running is a wonderful and effective way to get in shape, but it can also lead to extreme muscle fatigue and exhaustion. For one week out of every two months, cut the average length and intensity of your regular runs in half. This period of rest allows your body to more effectively repair itself and avoid chronic running injuries.

Try counting in revers order when doing repetitions. Instead of counting upwards from zero, try counting down from your chosen number of reps. Your workouts will speed by (and even feel easier) because you're focusing on smaller and smaller numbers as you progress. You'll probably find it a lot more motivational to concentrate on how many exercises you have left to do!

When you are working out your arms, it is advised to work on one arm at a time. By doing it this way, you will get higher quality sets. Also, working on one arm at a time allows your other arm to rest and can prevent many muscle injuries.

The following article is your ticket to a fitter, more beautiful you. Incorporating new fitness ideas, even if you have an established workout routine, can improve your results. Fitness should never be the end goal, but rather, the journey it requires to get there.